Posted by: Rachel.Worgan | May 19, 2011

This is what politics has come to?!

I’m not really one to follow American politics but when I heard that Newt Gingrich, a candidate for the Republican Party announced that he was running for President on Twitter and YouTube, I was intrigued. I looked up the Tweet; it was nothing special; it simply said “Today I am announcing my candidacy for President of the United States. You can watch my announcement here

There are two sides to this story that I find interesting. By posting his candidacy on YouTube and Twitter he shows that he’s trying to get the younger generation involved in politics. What better way to reach out to them than by announcing it on a social media website. I think it’s a great idea to get young people involved because ultimately they are the ones that have to live with the decisions the government makes.

However, I think the way he went about it is pretty lame (for lack of a better word). Gingrich is 67, he’s old and not really the kind of guy you would think would have Twitter. I think his plan was very transparent and young people will see through that. I give him kudos for trying but I highly doubt that posting his candidacy on Twitter and YouTube is going to make the younger generation vote for him.

I personally don’t take Twitter very seriously, I don’t have a n account and I don’t follow anyone so I guess I’m a little quick to judge but in my opinion posting your candidacy on Twitter seems like a joke. It’s just not official enough for me.

At least the guy tried, and who knows, come election time, he might see a rise in the number of young supporters but if I were him I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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